How to perform a trace route

Harvard Business Publishing

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On Windows

1. Open a command-line window. Click on Start > Run.

2. Type "cmd" in the prompt and click Ok.

3. A new terminal window should appear. In it, type tracert

4. In some cases, you will see a few asterisks (*), this is okay as it can represent timeouts based on firewall permissions and other factors. If after some time you continue to see asterisks in your trace, you should stop it by pressing ctrl + c on your keyboard.

5. Using your mouse, you can now copy and paste the trace where needed.

On a mac

1. Make sure you have the Finder application selected. You can verify by looking at the top menu bar and making sure it says Finder by the Apple icon. If you are not, then navigate to your desktop and click on an empty area.

2. Click on Go, then Utilities.

3. Double Click on Terminal.

4. A new terminal window should appear. In it, type traceroute

5. In some cases, you will see a few asterisks (*), this is okay as it can represent timeouts based on firewall permissions and other factors. If after some time you continue to see asterisks in your trace, you should stop it by pressing ctrl + c on your keyboard.

6. Using your mouse, you can now copy and paste the trace where needed.