Adding link to PDFs

Concerns: Epicenter (
Dear Will
We are now finshing the CDB project. I still have a problem with links to PDFs which should be used as references in the texts.

Blow a recoird of what I did:

1 - I entered as an asset:
A117240-R20201150-RWS-Grondstoffen cement-eindversie-NL.pdf
2 - On the Interface page bindmiddelen_perspectieven_text.html (line 149) i entered:

  • Ontwikkelingen over hoofdbestanddelen voor klinker gebaseerde cementen en geopolymeren – Rapport SGS Intron 2021>
  • 3 - However, the link doesn’t work and returning to the page I discovered that my input has been partly overwritten like this:
  • <a hfer="">Ontwikkelingen over hoofdbestanddelen voor klinker gebaseerde cementen en geopolymeren – Rapport SGS Intron 2021
  • Can yopu help me solvong this problem?

    Thanks, Joaquim de Witte

    Sorry for the strange post:
    Ik copied the THML but apperently its not dealt with as a static text. Can you advise me how to deal with PDF links anyhow? It is really important for our project.

    Hi – to clarify, you are trying to add a link in your sim to a PDF file?

    I was able to do that here on the introduction page of this sample sim

    I did this by editing the text field in the interface builder, and then clicking the link icon. I then pasted in the URL. Does this work for you?
