Behavior problem when user quickly click a button more than ones


We have issues with a simple button when user quickly click more than ones.
Somehow the whole model start playing strange. If users click just once - all good.
I don’t know why such button give the user a chance to click more than once before process the first click.

How to avoid users to click more than once?

<button class="btn btn-primary f-action-button" data-f-on-click="consensus:operations:step&amp;&amp; meta:saved=true " data-flow-error="Could not find world" data-f-showif="flag_sufficient_decisions_to_advance[0,<Step>]|is(1, true, '')" style="background-color: orange">DECIDE</button>

Best, Greg

Hi Greg,

There is a quick & dirty way to disable a button after it has been clicked, you can just attach an on-click handler manually like so:

    class="btn btn-primary f-action-button"
    data-f-on-click="consensus:operations:step&amp;&amp; meta:saved=true "
    data-flow-error="Could not find world"
    data-f-showif="flag_sufficient_decisions_to_advance[0,<Step>]|is(1, true, '')"
    style="background-color: orange"
    onclick="this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');"

That should resolve your issue if you do not need to at some point re-enable that button for use.

For more complicated use cases, like if you need the button or html element to be model aware, see the example below:

Flowjs handles run operations (among other things) using events and event listeners. So when the operation for a click is actuated, there isn’t really a way we can tack on something to the end of it since the ‘do-this-operation’ event will have been fired by one component, and handled by a different one.

The most elegant way I could come up with for handling this was to instead use a custom “data-f-” attribute. Below is a snippet from a modified “index.html” file (one typically generated from Interface Builder), I’ve put comments on the sections I have added:

        //Flow.js will be auto-configured for this project, but you can use the code-block below to override or add any specific changes you want
        //See for possible options
        window.FLOW_CONFIG = {
            channel: {

        let prevValue = undefined;
        // create custom attribute “once” (usage: data-f-once=“VARIABLE_NAME")
        Flow.dom.attributes.register('once', '*', {
            // the 'handle' function is called when the model gets an update that the variable has changed
            handle: function(value, attrName, $el) {
                // if the model value has changed, re-enable the element
                if (prevValue !== value) $el.removeAttr('disabled'); 
                prevValue = value;  // store the value for the next update from the model
            // the 'init' function is called on page load
            init: function(attr, topics, $el) {
                // disable the button on any click event
                $el.on('click', function() {
                    $(this).attr('disabled', 'true');

Now I have a custom attribute (data-f-once) that will disable the element when clicked, and re-enable it when it receives a model variable change. Here’s how I’m using it:

<button class="btn f-action-button btn-default" data-f-once="Step" data-f-on-click="operations:step(1)">DECIDE</button>

This way, my DECIDE button is listening to the “Step” variable and when clicked will be disabled until the model variable for “Step" changes.

Hope this helps –

Best, Wallace