Hi, I’ve realised today why my project runs soooo slowly. I have a Vensim model with TIME in years and TIME STEP 0.03125 and a run duration of 48 years, so lot’s of data. Regardless of the value I place in " Report every nth step", the graphs still load up ALL the data points, so are too slow to be useful.
I used the help system to see that settings are saved in a CTX file and that, crucially, this must be the same name as the model. Each time I release a new model version with new name and upload to Forio, however, no new CTX file is created, so all the settings are being saved in a CTX file that is ignored at run time. Deleting the old CTX file and recreating the settings, works.
On a related note; although at run time, the " Report every nth step" value works, it does not come into play when editing the pages, so each graph is being updated with every calculation, while I am trying to edit it. This essentially locks up my computer until it can catch up.
Now I’m aware of the CTX issue I can work around it. However, when designing the pages, the fact that every data point is being drawn every time I try to change anything on the page, is very frustrating.
Hopefully I am doing something wrong!
Thanks for your help.