Combining rulers and graphs with the Run Comparison mode

I require the Run Comparison mode because my model is designed for long term scenario’s.

However I also need to combine rulers and graphs on one page.

With my Vensim model scenario’s are built up incrementaly, submodel after submodel, and users should be able to test partial scenario’s for each submodel.

Unfortunately, the Run Comparsion mode only allows for 1 input page and combinations of input functions and graphs seem to be impossible…

Did I miss a standard option to enable what I want with the standard page formats. Or, else, is it possible to customize templates to enable this?

Hi Will,

In addition to my previous question I found the following info with respect to Input Pages :

run-compare projects may only have one Input Pages (Decisions) at a time. Delete current
Input Pages (Decisions) to add another.

I don’t grasp this message, because if you delete one InputPage and add anothre you are still left with one? Or not?

In an old mail, from about 2- 3 years ago, you mentioned using tabs. I unfortunately don’t recall how I dealt with this and the old Forio files are gone. Would appreciate useful suggestions.



Hi Joaquim,

You can add a new decision page if you delete the other decision page first.

I recommend the Tabbed Decision Page

This lets you break your decisions into multiple panels selected by tabs.