Error message retalted to input variable


In particularthe section “Specificatie Scenario’s Betongebruik

I get error message “15:43:17VensimUtilityException: Can’t set non-gaming variable (WBenUB Beton Jaarlijkse Groei gebruik) after the first time increment” which I don’t understand.

I tested the input variable in Vensim and it works fine.

Looking forward to a solution

Kind regards

Joaquim de Witte


There are two types of variables you can set with Forio and Vensim. Gaming variables, which can be set any time period, and Constants, which can only be set when the model is in step 0.

This error means that you were trying to set a Constant (non gaming variable) and the run was not at step 0. Perhaps it was at the end of a previous run? You must reset the run first.


Hi Will

The idea of our CDB model is that each run goes over the full period of 30 years (2020-2050) Our application will not be used in a game setting where constants (in Vensim terms) are changed at specific points in time. All constants are initial values, fixed rates, maxima, delays, or end-values that apply for the whole simulation period and fixed at time=0.

In our concept runs are always versions of a specific 30 years scenario. Hence each run should start at time 0. Only the latest run (or scenario version) is stored…This is precisely the functionality Lucas developed.


  1. Considering the above what can we do about the problem?
  2. Has it something to do with specific Interface Builder Pages or Templates? Because we don’t seem to have the problem on all pages.

Looking forward to your reply



Hi Will

See below graphs related to the input of constants without resetting showing the different runs as intended… Only entered new runs, changed constants and simulated.

Hi Will

I would be grateful if you could comment on my latest reply (may 25)

Kind regards

Joaquim de Witte

Hi Joaquim,

Thanks for the message - I apologize for the delay in getting back to you – we’ve had a backlog on our end combined with US holiday. We are reviewing this in our team and will respond tomorrow.

Best, WILL