How to change subject line of self-registration email

The subject line of our self-registration emails refers to a different simulation than the one we’ve created. How do we modify that subject line?

After reviewing & testing the Self Registration for your simulation: “Thrive Scholars: Thriving in Year One”, the two Self Registration email subject lines that’s currently provided are the following:

  • 1st Email received when entering Email Address during Registration Process…
    Subject: [epicenter] Email confirmation for registration for Leadership and Team Sim: Year One

  • 2nd Email received after a successfully completing the Registeration…
    Subject: [epicenter]You have successfully registered for Year One.

It seems that the 1st Email is the one you are referring to where the Subject line has “Leadership and Team Sim: Year One” is different to what’s displayed in the Thrive login page “Thrive Scholars: Thriving in Year One

Please let us know if you would like us to modify the Self Registration email subject line to match “Thrive Scholars: Thriving in Year One

Yes, please change both to “Thriving in Year One.” So:

Email confirmation for registration for Thriving in Year One
You have successfully registered for Thriving in Year One.

Thank you, Matt

Thank you for confirming, Matt.

Per request, we have updated the Registration email subject line with the following:

  • 1st Email received after submitting email address during the Registration Process…
    Subject: [epicenter] Email confirmation for registration for Leadership and Team Sim: Thriving in Year One

  • 2nd Email received after successfully completing the Registration…
    Subject: [epicenter]You have successfully registered for Thriving in Year One.

Let us know if you have any questions.