My simulation needs inputs on 5 items on the decision page which the player has to spend on. eg total budget of 10,000USD and user has to choose between advertising, promotions, sales force, etc. I wanted to give a running total of the money being spent, and have a running balance of the amount left for him to spend, to be displayed at the bottom. how can i do this?
I have used the “total option” but this gives the previous runs values, not the current value generated by the input. Any ideas?
this feature is also there in the Managing customers and Segments simulation, where the total marketing budget is given, and the user is restricted in choosing only to this extent for expenditure.
I am a new to this, do not have any coding expertise, and am building this up on the Interface builder option on forio epicenter. I have a vensim PLE model at the backend.
thanks in advance for any help!