Modify number format in table

I am using currency format in a table ($#,###.00). I’d like to omit the decimal places. How do I do that?

Hi Bruce,

If you are using the “Data Table” component or “Financial Table” component, under its Properties tab, do not select the “Currency ($#,###.00)” but rather enter manually $s00 into the “Number Format” field.

The display using the currency format is $2,877.14. If I use $s00, it shows $3k. I want it to show $2,877.

you also can manually enter $#,### or $0,000

Thanks - $#,### works. $0,000 does not.
One other question. If I have a number like 28.53, and I’d like to display it as 28.5%, how do I do that?

After reviewing with my colleague, selecting Percent (0.0%) as the Number Format will convert 28.53 to 2853%

Entering .2853 will convert it to 28.5%

You may need to update your model to reflect this.