Pages disappearing after saving

Hi Will, this is the second time that pages have simply disappeared, all the code erased after saving. Fortunately I have a back up to re-copy-paste the code. However, this is the second time today on a different page.

Thanks for letting us know! Sorry to hear about the difficulties, but glad you had a backup. We continue to investigate this occasionally appearing issue.

Hi Will, just happened again. Entire page of coding disappeared! But this time I was more alert and realized what happened, hopefully you can fix this.
I am using Firefox to get into Forio, I accidentally closed the Epicenter tab without carefully backing out and saving, saving, and re-saving. When I went back in via Firefox, the entire page of code, my longest and most detailed page, had disappeared and left me with just these few lines.

Kind regards, L

Hi Linda–

Sorry to hear this. Just to clarify – is this a page you only edited in the interface builder, or did you also hand edit the HTML? If you edited the HTML, what kind of changes did you make?


Hi Will,
It also happens to me: after pasting my HTML code in one of the pages (hand edit HTML), it stays there for a little while then disappears. Luckily I have made a backup. How can we avoid this?

Our experience is that if you restructure the HTML, the interface builder will not be able to interpret it and will remove items. If you make a div tag at the end, inside the last div

Original code


New code

Original code

  <script> put your script here </script>

that usually works. Or put a new div in the same place. You can also edit inside one of the existing divs. The key thing is to avoid rearranging existing divs or change the overall hierarchy.

Best recommendation if you are hand editing the HTML is to frequently back up.