Question about table from Stella model

I am working with a Stella model, and I have the run specs set to start 2012 and stop 2024, with DT at 1.

With one exception, all of the values in all of the tables end at 2022, which is fine because all of the values are correct. But the income statement has one line (Sales, which is a stock) that shows a value for 2023.I do not want to show that value - is there a way that I can have the tables only report up to 2022.

Hi Bruce,

Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to limit the time in a interface builder table. I suspect the issue is that Sales is a stock in your model and the other values are converters or flows. Stella is computing the stock value one step farther than the other variables, reflecting that it is the sum of the old stock plus/minus the flow values.

Try making a converter “Sales Revenue” which is equal to “Sales”, and graph that instead. Then you will be graphing only converters. See if that helps.