Reset control each time period

I am running a model with 5 time periods. I’d like to use a radio button to choose among four purchase options each year, with the default option being no purchase. After I advance the simulation one time period with the chosen value, I’d like the control to reset to the default. How do I do that?

Hi Bruce,

It depends on what modeling language you are using.

If you are using an Excel spreadsheet, this is straightforward – when time advances it will use the next column in your spreadsheet and that can be the default. With SimLang (Forio’s system dynamics language), there’s a variable property “ResetDecision” which will do this. For the decision “Hires”:
P Hires.ResetDecision = true

For Vensim or Stella models, there’s no built in way to do this. You could keep a separate variable “Hires Default” and have javascript which reads this variable and copies it into the input box after the step.