Hi all,
I’m in the process of converting a simulation to Epicenter from Simulate. We need to have the users complete four runs of the sim (with some intermediary information screens) and then display their results. I’m using the scenario manager for this, and have defined it as per the example in the docs:
var sm = new F.manager.ScenarioManager({ run: { model: 'model.vmf' } });
Once the sim has gone through enough time steps I’m using this code to save a clone of the current state, before resetting the sim and moving to the next screen:
sm.current.saveAndAdvance().then(function() { sm.current.reset().then(function() { window.location.href = "start-round.html"; }); });
The sim appears to be saving correctly, but when I return to this page later I’m still at the final time step. I’m using the default run strategy, so it sounds like reset should be creating a new run, which is what I want to happen. Is this the correct way to do this?