Run summary component

Hi all!

We would like to develop a widget/component that we could import in multiple pages with which we can select all existing runs, retrieve the variables attached to the selected run and adapt them. Additionally but more elementary, a seperate textbox with button could be used to create a run with a new name and a run could also be deleted from the retrieved list of runs.

This functionality is most closely mimicked/reached by the Runs summary (class_results_table) template, which includes the ‘btn-delete-runs’ button and ‘table results’ table with a summary of the produced runs, their timestamp and creator and a ‘View’ button which links to ‘impersonate-run={run_id}’

Given that in ‘/epicenter/docs/public/interface_builder/’ under tables is mentioned ‘(There is also a table on the Run Manager page, but it is not configurable.)’, my first question is if the source code for the ‘class-results’ container is available somewhere so it can be adapted to our needs and used as our defacto component?

Moreover, during ‘impersonate-run’, all known variables tied to that run are retrieved, yet not the input fields are updated when the target page is not an input page, what is call to make to update all input fields on a certain page with the known variables at that moment?

Thank you!

Hi Lucas,

We spoke about this in a phone call but i wanted to follow up here. You can implement this in JavaScript with the Epicenter.Js library. You will need to retrieve a list of runs and variables with the RunService and then create and append them to an HTML table.