Team Based Multiplayer Simulation

Hi Support Team

We’re building a multiplayer simulation and would like to know the possibility to implement it in a way that players work together as a team, rather than against each other.

Ideally two or more players would be in a team where one player would make decisions and the remaining players analyze the results, advising the first player on which decisions to proceed with.

We’re using Excel as the modeling language, guidance on going about a project of this nature would greatly be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Vishan De Silva


The Forio multiplayer features work just as well when players work as a team rather than against each other.

Forio provides a common “World” where users make decisions that impact the same run of the model. That may be competitive, in which users make decisions for cometing companies, or it may be cooperative but role based, in which users make decisions for different roles.

In your case you would like more of a collaborative simulation, where players make the same decisions, but only one can input the decision at a time and the others view the results. We call this an “Editor”.

An easy way to set this up is to create a multiplayer simulation with a role for “Editor” and one or more role for “Observer”. Create a decision page that only the editor has access too. Create reports (including a report of current decisions) that everyone has access to.

A more complex setup would be to allow different users to assume the Editor at different times. In such a case you would could add a cell to the Excel “CurrentEditor” set to the username of the current editor. Have a button “Become Editor” which sets this cell to the current user’s userKey or userName. Then set up the decisions so that they are only enabled when the editor matches the current player.

Note that this last approach cannot be done solely using the interface builder. You can build a simulation with the interface builder, but then you will need to add some custom Flow Js and JavaScript in order to implement the Become Editor button and to disable the inputs for other players.