Hi Will,
It seems that completing the ctx file solved the problem. Thanks!
Maybe you can give me some support on some other things:
The state of the input sliders on the decisionpage are stored in a cookie. Is it possible to overrule the cookie and bring the decisionpage sliders in the state of a saved run. I have experimented with the ‘getRun’, ‘load’, and ‘run strategie’ functions in the Forio documentation, but the decisionpage holds the state of the cookie. Only clicking ‘reset’ wil let the decesionpage return to the baseline settings.
The idea is that endusers can make adjustments on a saved run (Scenario). Therfore the have to can bring back the decisionpage in the state of a saved run and save the made adjustments. An example of wat we want to accomplish can you see on top right of the decesionpage. Clicking on a saved Scenario should set the state of the sliders in the state of the saved run-id. Changes should be saved in the specific runid.
In short: We only need the ‘saved’ runs with the possibility to retrieve a saved run and save adjustments in this specific run. In most cases, endusers will use/edit max. 5 saved runs. We don’t need the automatic creation of runs in the runmanager. It creates big amount of runs we don’t need. Possible it slows down the system?
I hope you can give some insights on this.
Regards en thanks!