Unknown Error Bad Request


Hi Will,

I get the error message Unknown Error - 400 Bad Request when I clicked Run Project

Could you please advise me on yhis problem?

Kind regards


I don’t see an error on my side when I try this.

Try closing all browser windows, reopening and logging in to epicenter again? If not, try in an incognito window. That shouldn’t be necessary, but will confirm if there’s an issue (for example) due to invalid or old cookies

If you still have problems, open up the network dev tools, click Network, and look for the request that has a 400 status code. Click “Preview” and let us know what it shows.

Closing and opening browsers doesn’t help. When I open the Inspect network activity link I see a tutorial and a lot of other info but not immediately a Network link. Should I follow the tutorial first?

I have an other issue which thusfar didn’t lead to problems but which may have to do with this latest problem?. When I log in into Epicenter I always get a message Page not found first. However I can enter my projects easily after subsequently clicking the Epicenter logo.

Hi Joaquim,

When we met today we figured out the problem.

Your simulation has custom code that retrieves variables from the model. It does this by using the Forio run manager to retrieve a long list of variables (hundreds of them). Ultimately these are query parameters for the API call, resulting in a very long URL. (this code is in run_summary_controller.js)

Unfortunately, browsers and servers may not support very long URLs. The specific limit varies as the limit also includes headers and cookies, but is typically a limit of one or two thousand characters. The result is the webserver returning error 400 “Bad Request”.

To make this work, get the data in batches, with a smaller number of variables for each batch.

Feel free to send a follow up note here or email support@forio.com for further assistance.