Upload and edit Stella Interfaces in Forio?


I am new exploring Forio.
I wonder if it is possible to upload and edit Stella models and interfaces in Forio?

Also, if I upload and share a beta version of an interface using Forio, will anyone get access to the underlying model/code?


Hi Andreas!

Yes, you can upload Stella models to Forio. Unfortunately you cannot upload the Stella interfaces. You must use Forio tools such as the interface builder or FlowJs to build the interface.

Forio also supports other languages such as Vensim, Excel, and SimLang (our own system dynamics style language).

When you create a simulation, the underlying model is private and cannot be downloaded. With a free account you can make the simulation public (anyone can use it) or private (only the author can use it). With a paid account you can make “authenticated” sims which allow you to create a list of end user account and passwords that have access to the site. In all cases, users only run the interface and cannot see or download the underlying model.