Variable not visible on Interface Builder

Dear Support Team,

Good evening. I am writing to learn if anything could be done to make sure that variable becomes visible on Interface Builder’s text input (it does not load and show variable names as before(tested on single and multiplayer modes)).

With kind regards,

We have the same issue … it seems Forio team did something,
A week ago it worked fine.

Thanks Akbar,

Sorry to see the difficulties. It looks like there is a problem with the generation of the variable list for the drop down. We are investigating the issue and anticipate having a fix Tuesday.


Dear Will,

Thank you as usual for quick reply and strong support. We are looking forward to the updates.

With kind regards,

Hi -

Just to let you know, we have completed an update which fixes the problem of variables not showing up in the drop down in the interface builder. There was a formatting error in the “introspection” api. Apologies for the difficulties.


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