What do the arguments to LOGNORMAL mean?

The SimLang function LOGNORMAL can take two arguments, one that is advertised as a mean,
and one as a standard deviation. But they don’t seem to be the mean and the SD of the results
of the function. For example when I write:

M StartTime = 0
M EndTime = 100
M TimeStep = 1

V Foo = LOGNORMAL(FooMean, FooSD)

D FooMean = 10
D FooSD = 3

FooAVG is consistently about 14.5, not 10.

Perhaps those 2 arguments are not the mean and SD of the distribution, but rather the
scale and location. But that isn’t right either. When I calculate the scale and location based
on a mean of 10 and an SD of 3, i.e. when I do this:

V Foo2 = LOGNORMAL(Foo2Location, Foo2Scale)
V Foo2AVG = ACCUM(Foo2) / TIME

D FooMean = 10
D FooSD = 3

V Component2 = 1 + FooSD * FooSD / FooMean / FooMean
V Foo2Location = LN(FooMean / SQRT(Component2))
V Foo2Scale = SQRT(LN(Component2))

I see a Foo2AVG of about 2.7.

So what do the arguments to LOGNORMAL mean?

(To be fair, I am testing this in Forio Simulation, so perhaps the same
function is defined differently in Epicenter.)


To quote Princess Bride “I do not think that means what you think it means” (in the case of the mean).

Basically, it’s not the mean and standard deviation of the lognormal, but rather that if the underlying normal distribution:

From the docs:

Returns a random number from a log-normal distribution. This is equivalent to EXP(NORMAL()). If the mean is not specified it defaults to 0. If the standard deviation is not specified it defaults to 1.

From Wikipedia:

Note in the Wikipedia diagram that the mean is 0 but all the values are above zero.