What's best language for OR Models?

Hi everybody,
I want to insert a mathematical model (that solved with lingo) to verify and validation process, but have not any information about this way. can you help me please

Hi Milad,

We currently do not support Lingo, but we do support other languages for mathematic modeling, including Python, R, Julia, and Excel.


thanks for your response
i found it at first but what’s your offer for me?
to convert model and have great report for thesis
Actually, I don’t insist on Lingo
Lingo was enough for the optimal solution but he persisted.
The mathematical structure of a linear model in which language can be simpler to execute?

Python’s a great language, and has libraries for many forms of data analytics. Forio doesn’t have a preference for modeling language as long as you use one of the ones we support. You can build an online web simulation based on a model in Excel, Python, R or Julia.