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v1.35 Release Notes

Release Date: 11/25/2015

New Features

  • New API for uploading of project-specific files. The new Epicenter Asset API allows you to store assets — resources or files of any kind — used by a project with a scope that is specific to project, group, or end user. You can use the RESTful Asset API or the Epicenter.js Asset API Adapter to create, read, update, and delete resources for your project.

  • End users can create worlds and assign users and roles. By default, only facilitators can create worlds and assign end users to worlds. New in this release, you can change this so that end users can also. In the Project Settings, for Allow Users to Self-Assign, select Enabled.

Updates and Improvements

  • Release of Epicenter.js 1.6.0. The Epicenter.js JavaScript library, used in creating your interface, has been updated to version 1.6.0. Highlights include a new Asset Service and several improvements to the Run Service and World Service. See the complete release notes for details.

  • SimLang performance has been improved. The operation step is now significantly faster.

  • SimLang FLOOR() function now has default significance. The FLOOR function in SimLang returns its first argument, expression, rounded down to the nearest multiple of its second argument, significance. New in this release, significance is now optional. If not provided, it defaults to 1.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Epicenter APIs now never allow browser cache. The header Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store is now automatically added to the responses from all Epicenter APIs. (Browser caching had been the cause of a few difficult-to-diagnose situations in which a PATCH request changed state but the following GET request did not reflect the update, for example with the Run API or Data API.) See the Cache-Control header specification for additional background.

  • SimLang enumerated ranges properly trim spaces. In previous releases, spaces were being included as part of the value of enumerated ranges. Now, they are being trimmed correctly, making the following two definitions equivalent:

      R ProductsOld = Books,CDs,Games
      R ProductsNew = Books, CDs, Games  
          # in previous releases, item would be " Games"
          # in v1.35, item is correctly "Games"

    See more on working with arrays in SimLang.

  • Corrected permissions for creating new groups via REST API. Groups are collections of end users and are available for all authenticated projects. You can create new groups for your project through the Epicenter UI or through the RESTful Group API. In this release, creating new groups through the Group API now correctly requires either the user access token of a team member or the project access token for the project. (Previously only Forio admins could do this.) See more background on project access.

  • Other minor fixes for performance and stability.

  • Other minor improvements to documentation.