Not able to access variable names in excel based model


I am creating a new simulation with an Excel model. I name the columns and rows, however, I cannot access those variables in the interface builder.

Can you please help me look into the issue? The name of the simulation is excel_test.

Thank you

HI Kenil,
Please provide us with your project name & URL so that we can review your Interface Builder simulation project.
You can send this information to

Hi Kenil,

We found your simulation. The issue with your model is that time must go across, not down. You have time going down the rows but it must go across the columns. You need three things

(1) A row with the time values, named “Time”
(2) Your variables, with the variable name in the left column and the data going across
(3) A cell named “Step” typically with value 0.

       A       B   C   D   E   F
1:    Time     1   2   3   4   5
2:    Price   10  10  10  10  10 
3:    Sales    5   5   5   5   5
5:    Step     0

In the sample “spreadsheet” above, you want to set up these named ranges:

  • “Time” for cells B1:F1
  • “Price” for cells B2:F2
  • “Sales” for cells B3:F3
  • “Step” for cell B5

You can find a webinar that gives an example by looking at
“Creating Interactive Simulations Online with Excel and Forio Epicenter”