Run Manager not working properly

I have a couple of projects where the run manager is not displaying properly (no run names, every time I run the model appears twice). I posted this same question in an older thread that has no response. Any help will be much appreciated.


Hi Luna,

Thanks for the note - sorry about the difficulties. Can you let us know a specific

  • sim URL
  • user you are logged in as
  • what group the user is in

where this is happening?

If this is the “range not satisfiable error” we will need the specifics to be able to look into it.

Best, WILL

Thanks for the help. This is the information you need. FIrst, the error only shows to me when I am logged with my account, but not always. In general, the names of the runs do not show in the run manager, and for some users, it shows like each run is being saved twice.

This is the sim url:
The group name is: university-at-albany-fadum-feb-2022
User: It happens with all users, but I have been logged as Test8

Please let me know if you need more information
