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New Simulation from Harvard: Organizational Behavior

Harvard Business Publishing has recently released a new simulation, Organizational Behavior: Judgment in a Crisis. Content for the simulation was created by Professor Michael Roberto, author of the best-selling Everest: Leadership and Teamwork simulation, and Harvard Business Publishing. The simulation was developed by Forio on Forio’s new platform, Epicenter.

Organizational Behavior Simulation

Organizational Behavior: Judgment in a Crisis

In this single-player simulation, each student plays the role of a product manager at Matterhorn Health, a medical device manufacturer. Customers report a series of critical problems with the company’s newly launched blood glucose monitor. As the product manager, each student receives a barrage of communications from colleagues about the problem — via email, video messages, voicemail, and instant message chats — and must quickly determine the root cause of the issue and make recommendations on how to proceed. The simulation explores issues related to human judgment, cognitive bias, decision-making, and root cause analysis during a crisis.

See what author Michael Roberto has to say about the new sim.