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Number Format Converters

Converters allow you to change how data is displayed. They let you display the value of any model variable in a different format than it is stored in the model -- converting the output value from one format to another.

There are two ways to specify conversion or formatting for the display output of a particular model variable:

  • Use the | (pipe) character within the value of any data-f- attribute. Converters are chainable, so you can apply several in a row to a particular variable.
  • Add the attribute data-f-convert to any element to convert all of the model variables referenced within that element's scope.

For model variables that are numbers (or that have been converted to numbers), there are several special number formats you can apply.

Currency Number Format

After the | (pipe) character, use $ (dollar sign), 0, and . (decimal point) in your converter to describe how currency should appear. The specifications follow the Excel currency formatting conventions.


 <!-- convert to dollars (include cents) -->
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="price[car]" data-f-convert="$0.00" />
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="price[car] | $0.00" />

 <!-- convert to dollars (truncate cents) -->
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="price[car]" data-f-convert="$0." />
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="price[car] | $0." />

Specific Digits Number Format

After the | (pipe) character, use # (pound) and , (comma) in your converter to describe how the number should appear. The specifications follow the Excel number formatting conventions.


 <!-- convert to thousands -->
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="sales[car]" data-f-convert="#,###" />
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="sales[car] | #,###" />

Percentage Number Format

After the | (pipe) character, use % (percent) and 0 in your converter to display the number as a percent.


 <!-- convert to percentage -->
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="profitMargin[car]" data-f-convert="0%" />
 <input type="text" data-f-bind="profitMargin[car] | 0%" />

Short Number Format

After the | (pipe) character, use s and 0 in your converter to describe how the number should appear.

The 0s describe the significant digits.

The s describes the "short format," which uses 'K' for thousands, 'M' for millions, 'B' for billions. For example, 2468 converted with s0.0 displays as 2.5K.


 <!-- convert to thousands (show 12,468 as 12.5K) -->
 <span type="text" data-f-bind="price[car] | s0.0"></span>