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Channel Manager

There are two main use cases for the channel: event notifications and chat messages.

If you are developing with Epicenter.js, you should use the Epicenter Channel Manager rather than this more generic Channel Manager. (The Epicenter Channel Manager is a wrapper that instantiates a Channel Manager with Epicenter-specific defaults.) The Epicenter Channel Manager documentation also has more background information on channels and their use.

However, you can work directly with the Channel Manager if you like. (This might be useful if you are working through Node.js, for example, require('manager/channel-manager').)

The Channel Manager is a wrapper around the default cometd JavaScript library, $.cometd. It provides a few nice features that $.cometd doesn't, including:

  • Automatic re-subscription to channels if you lose your connection
  • Online / Offline notifications
  • 'Events' for cometd notifications (instead of having to listen on specific meta channels)

You'll need to include the epicenter-multiplayer-dependencies.js library in addition to the epicenter.js library in your project to use the Channel Manager. (See Including Epicenter.js.)

To use the Channel Manager in client-side JavaScript, instantiate the Epicenter Channel Manager, get a particular channel -- that is, an instance of a Channel Service -- then use the channel's subscribe() and publish() methods to subscribe to topics or publish data to topics.

var cm = new F.manager.ChannelManager();
var gc = cm.getGroupChannel();
// because we used an Epicenter Channel Manager to get the group channel,
// subscribe() and publish() here default to the base topic for the group;
gc.subscribe('', function(data) { console.log(data); });
gc.publish('', { message: 'a new message to the group' });

Constructor options

Required? Name Type Description
Yes url string The Cometd endpoint URL.
  logLevel string The log level for the channel (logs to console).
  websocketEnabled boolean Whether websocket support is active. Defaults to true, uses long-polling if false
  ackEnabled boolean Whether the ACK extension is enabled. Defaults to true. See for more info.
  shareConnection boolean If false each instance of Channel will have a separate cometd connection to server, which could be noisy. Set to true (default) to re-use the same connection across instances.
  channel object Other defaults to pass on to instances of the underlying Channel Service, which are created through getChannel().
  handshake object Options to pass to the channel handshake. For example, the Epicenter Channel Manager passes ext and authorization information. More information on possible options is in the details of the underlying Push Channel API.



Creates and returns a channel, that is, an instance of a Channel Service.


Required? Name Type Description
  options Object / String If string, assumed to be the base channel url. If object, assumed to be configuration options for the constructor.


Channel - Channel instance


var cm = new F.manager.ChannelManager();
     var channel = cm.getChannel();

     channel.subscribe('topic', callback);
     channel.publish('topic', { myData: 100 });


Start listening for events on this instance. Signature is same as for jQuery Events:

Supported events are: connect, disconnect, subscribe, unsubscribe, publish, error.


Required? Name Type Description
Yes event string The event type. See more detail at jQuery Events:


Stop listening for events on this instance. Signature is same as for jQuery Events:


Required? Name Type Description
Yes event string The event type. See more detail at jQuery Events:


Trigger events and execute handlers. Signature is same as for jQuery Events:


Required? Name Type Description
Yes event string The event type. See more detail at jQuery Events: