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Project Administration

Projects include server-side models and client-side user interface code that come together to create an application.

You can create projects individually or as part of a team. In either case, you can have multiple projects within your team or personal account.

For team projects, you can collaborate with team members to develop the project. Then, you can optionally create groups and end users to access the completed project.

Read more about:

Personal Projects

You are the only author of a personal project.

To create a personal project:

  1. From the Dashboard, select Create a New Project.

  2. If this is your first project, follow the prompts to create a User ID.

    This is your unique identifier. It is part of the URL from which you access your completed projects: Your User ID is not editable, so choose with care. Your User ID may only contain [a-z], [0-9], hyphen (-), or underscore (_).

  3. Select to Create a New Project.

    Within this project, you'll create or upload all your model code and the files that comprise your user interface.

  4. Enter the Project Name.

    This is the formal name for your project. It appears throughout Epicenter. (It is not visible to end users of your project, unless you specifically add it to the project's user interface.)

  5. Enter the Project ID.

    This is the unique identifier for your project. It is part of the URL from which you access your completed project: Your Project ID may only contain [a-z], [0-9], hyphen (-), or underscore(_).

  6. Select the project's Access.

    Choose who can interact with your project once it is complete. (You can always change this later, under the project's settings.)

    • Public: Anyone can access your project.
    • Private: Only you can access your project.
  7. Once you have your project created, it's time to start writing your model and creating your user interface!

Team Projects

Team members collaborate to develop projects. See more about Team Administration.

To create a team project:

  1. From the Dashboard, find the name of your team.

  2. Next to your team name, select Create a New Project.

    Within this project, you'll create or upload all your model code and the files that comprise your user interface.

  3. Enter the Project Name.

    This is the formal name for your project. It appears throughout Epicenter. (It is not visible to end users of your project, unless you specifically add it to the project's user interface.)

  4. Enter the Project ID.

    This is the unique identifier for your project. It is part of the URL from which you access your completed project: Your Project ID may only contain [a-z], [0-9], hyphen (-), or underscore(_).

  5. Select the project's Access.

    Choose who can interact with your project once it is complete. (You can always change this later, under the project's settings.)

    • Public: Anyone can access your project.
    • Authenticated: Only logged in users can access your project. See more on groups and end users.
    • Private: Only you can access your project.
  6. Once you have your project created, it's time to start writing your model and creating your user interface!

Working with Project Components

You can create your model and user interface files offline and then upload them to your Epicenter project. You can also work directly within Epicenter: you can create, edit, or delete your model and user interface files directly in the Epicenter user interface.

There are two ways to upload components of your project into Epicenter: through the Epicenter user interface, and directly through SFTP file transfer.

To upload components of your project into Epicenter, through the Epicenter user interface:

  1. From your project home page (Dashboard > [UserId] > [Project Name] or Dashboard > [Team Name] > [Project Name]), select Model, Interface, or Node.js from the left, depending on which components you want to upload.

  2. In the table, select Actions > Upload File. Find the file on your local machine, select it, and choose Open.

To upload components of your project into Epicenter, via SFTP:

Use your favorite SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) client, or the command line.

  • Host Name: s
  • User Name: your Epicenter email, for example ``
  • Connection: SFTP
  • Port: 9042
  • Path: /userId-or-teamId/projectId, for example /acme-simulations/supply-chain-game

Tip: The project home page always displays the specific file transfer information for that project under File Transfer, on the right.

To create new project files within Epicenter:

  1. From your project home page (Dashboard > [UserId] > [Project Name] or Dashboard > [Team Name] > [Project Name]), select Model, Interface, or Node.js from the left, depending on which components you want to create.

  2. From the table, select Actions > Add File to add a new file.

  3. From the table, select Actions > Add Folder to add a new sub-folder.

Files added to the Interface section within your project can be accessed (read) through the user interface of your project, or with the exact URI. For additional security, add a new folder in the Interface section and name it "protected". Files added to the "protected" folder are accessible only to end users who are logged in to your authenticated project.

Note that the Node.js section is only available if this is a project for an Enterprise team and Node.js is enabled in the project's settings.

To edit and organize your project files within Epicenter:

  • To edit a file: Select the file to view its contents. Select Edit from the upper right.

  • To delete a file: Select the file to view its contents. Select Delete from the upper right.

  • To delete a folder: Select the folder to view its contents. In the table, select Actions > Delete Folder.