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Settings Manager

The Settings Manager is designed for controlling in-game settings - which can be model variables, or text descriptions, or any combination - within a group, for authenticated turn-by-turn projects.

Facilitator workflow

Class settings

In a typical turn-by-turn game, a facilitator would login to a class and administer settings using a UI somewhat similar to the one below:

Class Settings

They would then go through the following steps:

  1. Create 'draft' settings Drafts settings are persisted, can be tested, but are not applied to any student runs yet.

  2. (Optionally) Set a Run Limit for the number of runs which can be created with this settings. If the settings includes a special key called a runLimit the settings strategy (See)

  3. 'Activate' the draft settings once done with changes These settings then apply to any new runs created after this point. The Settings Manager provides hooks for handling existing runs in progress, and also lets each project determine what "applying" settings means in it's context.


var settingsManager = new F.manager.Settings({
    run: serviceOptions,
    settings: {
        defaults: { //Default settings to initialize new drafts with (optional)
            name: 'myScenario',
            modelVariable: 22,
            runLimit: 3, //Optional, but if specificied then enforced by user-strategy

$('#btn-create-new').on('click', ()=> {
    settingsManager.settings.createDraft().then((settings)=> {
        alert('Draft created');
$('#btn-activate-settings').on('click', ()=> {
    settingsManager.settings.saveAndActivate().then((settings)=> {
$('#btn-reset').on('click', ()=> {
    settingsManager.settings.resetDraft().then((settings)=> {

settingsManager.settings.getMostRecent().then((settings)=> { //Automatically creates a new draft if none exist
    const allowCreateNew = !settings.isDraft;
    $('#btn-create-new').attr('disabled', !allowCreateNew);
    $('#btn-activate-settings', '#btn-reset').attr('disabled', allowCreateNew);

Class Results

The Settings Manager provides a helper function to get all runs with the most recent active settings, for displaying results.

settingsManager.getRuns(['Price', 'OtherVariable']).then((runs)=> { .. });

Note that this defaults to filtering for saved runs, which is good practice for facilitator screens. To filter otherwise, just pass in settingsManager.getRuns(['Price', 'OtherVariable'], { saved: false }). See SavedRunsManager options for a full list of parameters.

End-User workflow

Run Strategy

To properly apply and use the new settings, the 'end-user' needs to use a strategy provided by the SettingsManager

var settingsManager = new F.manager.Settings({
    run: serviceOptions,
var strategy = settingsManager.getUserRunStrategy({
    applySettings: (runService, settings, run)=> {
        // This example assumes all the settings are model variables, while they're typically a combination of model variables and run metadata (name / description etc.) and may involve calls to in addition.
        return run.variables().save(settings); 

var rm = new F.manager.RunManager({
    strategy: strategy

Settings channel

The settings manager provides a convenience wrapper around the cometd channel with more semantic actions.

const channel = settingsManager.getChannel();
channel.subscribe([actions.SETTINGS_ACTIVATED, actions.SETTINGS_DELETED], ()=> {

Constructor options

Required? Name Type Description
Yes AccountAPIServiceOptions Parameters to pass on to run service (account / project / model / files etc.)
  options.settings object
  options.settings.collection string
  options.settings.collection `object / function(): object function(): Promise.`



Get a cometd channel to subscribe to settings changes. The list of available topics are:

Topic Description
ALL All events
SETTINGS_ACTIVATED A new draft has been made active, or a currently active draft was edited
SETTINGS_DELETED A settings document (either current or historical) was deleted
DRAFT_CREATED A new draft was created
DRAFT_UPDATED A draft document was updated




Channel - Channel instance


Use to get a strategy to use for user-runs.


Required? Name Type Description
Yes options object


object - Run Strategy


var settingsManager = new F.manager.Settings({
     run: serviceOptions,
var strategy = settingsManager.getUserRunStrategy({
 applySettings: (runService, settings, run)=> {
     return run.variables().save(settings); // This example assumes all the settings are model variables, while they're typically a combination of model variables and run metadata (name / description etc.) and may involve calls to in addition.


Helper method to create a SavedRunsManager instance with a preset tracking key


Required? Name Type Description
Yes settingsId string


Helper method to get runs for most recent settings. Runs in the result, will have a settings property with the currently active settings set on it.


Required? Name Type Description
Yes savedRunManagerParams any See SavedRunsManager options for parameters