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July 10: Bay Area Julia Users Meetup

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Join us for the next Bay Area Julia Users Meetup, Thursday July 10 at 6:30pm at Forio’s offices in San Francisco.

July’s meetup features Sheehan Olver (University of Sydney), joining us remotely and presenting ApproxFun.jl. Funs is a package for approximating functions. It currently supports intervals, the real line, periodic intervals, and the unit circle.

Details and RSVP here.

As usual, there will be some food and beverages to share. We may also recap our recent trip to JuliaCon. We hope you can join us!

Tentative: Finally, mark your calendars now for a tentative Julia Hackathon at Forio’s offices on July 13. Check the Meetup for confirmation as the date gets closer.

Not in the Bay Area?

Check out meetups of other Julia Users groups: